Punto de Vista gives emerging filmmakers the chance to shoot a film essay in Navarra. In an attempt to recover the old spirit of X Films, the production company founded by Juan Huarte in 1963, this project is aimed at producing films "that have a unique artistic value or convey valuable messages." The X Films Project is Punto de Vista's bet on the most innovative, inquisitive, experimental non-fiction film.
In 2010, the festival chose the project by Chus Dominguez, which is going to be presented in February 2011. Here you will find a trailer of the film Notas de lo efímero.
In February 2011, Punto de Vista will give emerging documentary filmmakers from Spain the chance to shoot a video essay in Navarra. Elia Urquiza, Daniel Cuberta, and the creative duo weareQQ have been called to show their projects at the festival.