The contemporary audio visual scene, where genres feed from one another and frontiers get blurred, faces us with the search of new image forms and languages. Works that can be classified as documentaries – extraordinary hybrid and heterogeneous experimental contributions – have appeared with new forms and languages, paving the way for new ways of understanding current documentary practices. A multiform landscape/passage of Spanish documentary film, mirroring an imaginary borderland where borders are increasingly blurry and the epicentre moves into the realm of the experimental.
This publication is the result of a series of meetings with filmmakers, scholars and film critics in the Extension Programme of the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU, Spain) in 2010 and 2011. Territories and Frontiers: Experiences in Contemporary Documentary Filmmaking focuses on authors and works neglected in the history of Spanish film, guiding readers through the excitement and uncertainty of the labyrinth of documentary film. Directors, scholars and critics writing about films and about themselves.