José Antonio Sistiaga (Donostia, 1932) created what is considered one of the first films ever to be painted directly on celluloid and without a soundtrack: ERE ERERA BALEIBU IZIK SUBUA ARUAREN. Over two years, Sistiaga coloured metres and metres of film to create a stimulating work of light, colour and movement. Meanwhile, on the other side of the pond, another artist also set off along the path of hand-painted film: Stan Brakhage .
As a tribute, Punto de Vista has decided to bring these two artists, who planted the seed of a ground-breaking form of cinema to come, together. SISTIAGA & BRAKHAGE provides us with the opportunity to see two works by the Basque artist - Impresiones en alta atmósfera and Paisaje inquietante nocturno - and nine films that the key American filmmaker made.