Ixiar Rozas y Rafael Martínez del Pozo

Ixiar Rozas Elizalde. Writer. She explores the materiality of voice and language. Her books and materials have been published in several countries and languages: Negutegia (2006-2009), Ejercicios de ocupación. Afectos, vida y trabajo (2015), Beltzuria (2014-2017), 20.20 (2016). Phd in Visual Arts, she is currently an arts education teacher and a member of Azala espazioa.

Rafael Martínez del Pozo. Musician, organiser of sounds in the air, amplified or recorded. Currently working on the A A Tigre song project and workshop Protomúsica. He works with artists like E. Collado, L. Alvarez, M. Borthwick, A. Urra, B. Fluxá, F. de La Flor and I. Rozas. He has lived and worked at his sound studio Grabaciones de Campo, in Castro de Cepeda (Leon), since 2009.



The action of whispering at the edge of hearing.

The whisper is a modality of voice.

The voice is intimately connected to the ways in which we become subjects. The voice and the mouth, its organ, whose surfaces and movements give rise to a host of vocalisations and mouthings.

Some of these are heard. Others lies at the edge of hearing. And others are acted out in silence.

The whisper is related to seduction, secrecy and conspiracy. Or with something that needs softening. It moves between intimacy and intimidation. A whispered word can range from a sensual act to connecting us with our most hidden fears.

However, whispered language brings breathing closer to words, and words to breathing.

And launching the whisper into space, giving it sound: where image is perhaps produced.

And the sense of the words lies elsewhere, at their vanishing point, in their landscape.

And words run across several languages, which are thresholds to others, which are voyages.

Twisting beings cross the night.

Susurro zuzuro zuzuri zuzura zuxurla xuxurla.

An almost said, almost heard.

Ixiar Rozas y Rafael Martínez del Pozo Ixiar Rozas y Rafael Martínez del Pozo
Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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