Session 2. Sofia Bohdanowicz

Never Eat Alone
Sofia Bohdanowicz, Canada, 2016, 68 min, DCP, colour, English

Veslemøy’s Song
Sofia Bohdanowicz, Canada, 2018, 9 min, DCP, B&W, English

Roy Thomson
Sofia Bohdanowicz, Canadá, 2018, 3 min, DCP, sepia, English

In 2016 filmmaker Sofía Bohdanowicz and actress and writer Deragh Campbell created the character of Audrey Benac, an archive detective. Made from autobiographical fragments of both of their lives, snippets of family stories and collective invention, Audrey investigates little moments of history that have been forgotten. In Never Eat Alone she explores the past of her grandmother, a former actress and singer, and an ex-suitor with whom she starred in a famous television music programme. Veslemøy's Song seeks out the footprints of Kathleen Parlow, a famous violinist at the time of Glenn Gould and the first woman to study at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory, but today completely forgotten. Roy Thomson recalls her grandfather, a former student of Parlow's and a member of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, and the presence of the dead in the spaces in which they lived and worked. 

Session 2. Sofia Bohdanowicz  Session 2. Sofia Bohdanowicz
Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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