Session 1

In this session, in addition to the screening, the filmmakers will briefly present aspects of the production process of their films.


Patxi Burillo
Spain, 2022, 15 min, DCP, colour, Basque

Camera: Pablo Paloma, Mirari Echávarri. Editor: Jaume Claret, Pablo Paloma, Óscar Vincentelli. Sound: José María Avilés, Elisa Celda, Martín Scaglia. Production: Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola, Martín Besné, Julieta Juncadella

Ainara Elgoibar
Spain, 2021, 15 min, DCP, colour, Spanish

Camera, editor: Ainara Elgoibar. Sound: Ainara Elgoibar, Jorge Latas. Music: Javi Álvarez 

The two pieces forming part of this session have one thing in common: light. In the film by Patxi Burillo, the reference appears in the title itself: Argileak, which means ‘those that make light’. And it is precisely these mysterious, anonymous characters who we first see, crossing through a wood, partially and fleetingly illuminating the trees, as they appear to be taking the light to some place in particular. We could say that the film has a second act in which the spectators become the protagonists. Faces illuminated by a flickering light. What are they looking at? This is something that we'll never know, but those illuminated eyes, looking with great concentration, lead us to reflect on the actual fascination of seeing. This same fascination is created in the film by Ainara Elgoibar, at the moment when a pair of hands are manipulating some coloured LEDs and these are multiplied, to create spirals of light, converting the image into something abstract. Also the first shot we see in Rotor, a sun filmed head on. A rotor is the rotating part of an electric machine or turbine and, through phrases written in the middle of the screen, the film made by Elgoibar takes us on a journey that passes through different inventions such as cars and Wankel engines, watches and the time zone system. The film portrays a series of objects filmed in 16mm in Lindau, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Altlußheim, London and Bakio between years 2015 and 2021, all accompanied by a rich soundtrack that starts and ends with bells.

Lur Olaizola

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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