Session 1

In this session, in addition to the screening, the filmmakers will briefly present aspects of the production process of their films.


Memorias de ultramar
Carmen Bellas, Alberto Berzosa
Spain, 2021, 49 min, DCP, colour-B&W, Spanish

Editor: Carmen Bellas, Eduardo Palenque. Sound: Juan Carlos Blancas. Production: Filmoteca Española

Carolina Kuzeluk, Diana Kuzeluk
Spain, 2021, 25 min, DCP, colour-B&W, French, Fula, Spanish, Arabic, Amazigh

Camera: Carolina Kuzeluk, Alex Reverté. Editor: Gerard Borràs. Sound: Joaquín Faúndez Hormazábal. Production: Escac Films, S.L.

Mid-twentieth century. Families of Spaniards living in former colonies, provinces and territories under Spanish domination. Ambassadors, diplomats, perhaps businessmen... people who have the means, as it used to be said, enjoying their leisure time in exotic locations which they gradually make their own, constructing their own space, their new home and a certain type of relationship with “the other one”, with the local inhabitants. Domestic films, full of imprints and, perhaps, secrets.

Early 21st century. A few young African migrants in Barcelona, in transit. It is not free time, but waiting time, uncertainty and homesickness: faced with doubts about whether their application for asylum will be successful, sharing memories of their journey, reflecting upon the European dream and the nostalgic connection of the birthplace. A small film full of emotion, distance and phone calls.

Memorias de ultramar and Kambá! offer two different and complementary perspectives that can serve to reflect upon the relationship between Europe and Africa in this last century (and up to today). And they do so in a fun way, with well-differentiated materials and rules: on the one hand, the play with archive material that takes on a new life through editing and adding sound; on the other hand, the play between reality and metafiction.

Miguel Zozaya

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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