Audience training and community work in Pamplona are some of Punto de Vista’s central objectives. Aimed primarily at young audiences, this programme proposes a series of activities to raise awareness and audiovisual appreciation.
A selection of ten short films for all audiences about the relationship between the different creatures of nature.
A sensory experimentation workshop to explore and play with the relationship between sound and image. Sound is a primordial dimension of the cinema experience, but it often does not receive the attention it deserves.
The session "El cine en marcha. La actualidad de los Lumière" [Cinema on the Move: The Currency of the Lumière Brothers] —accompanied by the showing of extracts from their film work — aims to awaken secondary students' interest in film history, its origins and the evolution of its language. And with this for them to join Punto de Vista, an event that connects the artistic and poetic side of film with its documentary vocation of portraying reality.