Do you have a passion for cinema? Are you between 15 and 20 years old? Do you want to meet other people with the same interests? Moving Cinema Young Programmers x Punto de Vista is your place, read on!
Sesión concebida por el grupo de Jóvenes Programadores Moving Cinema.
Jueves 30 de marzo a las 19:00 en Civivox Condestable.
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Jóvenes Programadores Moving Cinema x Punto de Vista (Moving Cinema Young Programmers By Punto de Vista) appeared in 2022, when a group of people learned to programme films at a festival and met the director of the film they chose, De chaque instant by Nicolas Philibert, and finally presented this to the audience as part of last year's festival. The experience was a success, so we're doing it again in 2023.