Session 1

Peter Nestler y Zsóka Nestler
Sweden, 1974, 23 min, 16 mm transfer DCP, B&W, German

Mi país
Peter Nestler
Sweden, 1981, 7 min, 16 mm transfer DCP, colour, silent

Pachamama-Nuestra tierra
Peter Nestler
Germany, 1995, 90 min, 16 mm transfer DCP, colour, Spanish

Chilefilm is an introduction to the background of the military coup in Chile using historical documents, drawings and music. The film is a plea for the cause of the Unidad Popular: “There is a connection between the terrible poverty of the many and the enormous wealth of a few.” The film was produced for young audiences for Swedish Public Television and it was never broadcast.

Mi país is a short visual essay on the history of Chile made up of popular works by young exiled Chileans in Sweden with paintings by Nicolas de la Cruz and Jorge Kuhn, engravings by Rolando Pérez, music for the Indian harp by Adrián Miranda.

Pachamama-Nuestra tierra is a travelogue filmed in Ecuador. Peter Nestler wrote about it: “The film is about the indigenous cultures of Ecuador, of what is past and what is preserved, of destruction and resistance, of persisting in new ways, of music in the villages high up in the Andes, of music in the cities and in a tropical climate among descendants of African slaves. The film is about Earth, about working with Earth, sacred to the indigenous people. An account of beauty that silences, of friendliness, also grief.”

Session 1
Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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