2024 edition


Punto de Vista offers four transversal itineraries, composed of pieces from different sections of the festival.


Official Selection

Twelve full-length films and eight short films —apart from three out-of-competition films— in the running for the awards at the festival: the Punto de Vista Grand Prize for Best Film, the Jean Vigo Award for Best Director, the Award for Best Short Film, the Special Audience Award and the Youth Award. Five global premieres, three international premieres, one European premiere and twelve Spanish premieres.

Official Selection


Screenings and talks on the production and creation processes in documentary filmmaking. Besides «Termites», which gives a voice to the most restless filmmakers in our most immediate context, various meetings on the preservation of legacy documentary cinema: a panel discussion; two rediscovered short films by a pioneering Brazilian filmmaker, Rosa Maria Antuña; a surprise screening from a heterodox Argentinian archivist, Fernando Martín Peña; and some professional activies.


In focus

Three retrospective cycles —«Su Friedrich: Ties that Bind» and «Joël Akafou: The clandestine adventures of the Haute Bourgeoisie Française»—, the first in Spain dedicated to films by these authors, and «Close to the Trees», the third instalment of natural stories from documentary cinema curated and presented by Miriam Martín.

In focus


The documentary film beyond the boundaries of its discipline. What does the Gothic art of stained glass windows have to do with cinema? The answer to this question is illuminated for us by a film-conference led by a legend of US avant-garde cinema, Jerome Hiler, alongside a programme of his own films («The Colour of Glass»). There will also be a tribute at the Oteiza Museum to Néstor Basterretxea for his centenary year.


X Films

New format: guest filmmaker, Celia Viada Caso, presents the results from the residency organised at the Huarte Centre to prepare the film that will premiere at Punto de Vista in 2025 and shows us a selection of her previous works. Also: premiere of the project developed in 2023: Tránsitos, by Anna López Luna. 

X Films

Music at Punto de Vista

As it does every year, Punto de Vista is giving a prominent place to music, and in its eighteenth edition this will be expanding. The festival programme includes a series of concerts, DJ sessions and radio programmes with live music.

Music at Punto de Vista


The festival is to become a family-friendly event by setting up for several days a space for children between six months and twelve years old, available to both accredited people and the general public.

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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