
Screenings and talks on the production and creation processes in documentary filmmaking. Besides «Termites», which gives a voice to the most restless filmmakers in our most immediate context, various meetings on the preservation of legacy documentary cinema: a panel discussion; two rediscovered short films by a pioneering Brazilian filmmaker, Rosa Maria Antuña; a surprise screening from a heterodox Argentinian archivist, Fernando Martín Peña; and some professional activies.



Termitas, running symmetrically to Paisaia, will show emerging or little-seen works from our immediate surroundings, by asking the filmmakers to also present materials from their work process. Its name comes from the article by Manny Farber called “White Elephant Art vs. Termite Art” (1962) where we read about those films that “seems to have no ambition towards gilt culture but are involved in a kind of squandering-beaverish endeavor that isn’t anywhere or for anything. A peculiar fact about termite tapeworm-fungus-moss art is that it goes always forward eating its own boundaries, and, likely as not, leaves nothing in its path other than the signs of eager, industrious, unkempt activity.”

Rosa Maria Antuña. Retrospective of a non-film-maker

Rosa Maria Antuña. Retrospective of a non-film-maker

What is cinema? What is considered a film? What makes someone a film-maker? These are complex questions, with no definitive answers. For Chantal Akerman “cinema is cinema is cinema, a rose is a rose is a rose” echoing Gertrude Stein’s poem Sacred Emily. However, in 1968, a Brazilian lady who declared herself a “non-film-maker” used her poetic language to demonstrate that a rose is cinema and cinema is a rose, becoming one of the first women to direct a film in her country.

Fernando Martín Peña

Fernando Martín Peña

The archivist, researcher and film programmer Fernando Martín Peña (Buenos Aires, 1968) visits us to present the international premiere of the documentary dedicated to him (La vida a oscuras, Enrique Bellande, 2023) as well as a surprise screening whose content will be announced at the session itself.

Round table on heritage documentary films

Round table on heritage documentary films

In partnership with the Cinéma du Réel festival (Paris) and the French Institute, a meeting to talk about the various policies for preserving, distributing and communicating legacy documentary cinema in France and Spain. Participants: Gaël Teicher, Josetxo Cerdán, Ramiro Ledo and Inés Toharia.

Professional activities

Professional activities

Once again Punto de Vista proposes a space where producers, creators, associations and festivals have a place for exchange and conversation about documentary film.

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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