For a decade he works as film editor and since then he has edited more than fifteen (including Blancanieves, by Pablo Berger). In 2007, he started to make his own projects as director. Nowadays he works on his first full-length film, La herida. As teacher, he is director of Editing and Mounting at the ECAM and lecturer of documentary technique atEICTV from San Antonio de los Baños (Cuba).
His short films have been granted with several awards, including Premio de Madrid en Corto (to La media vuelta, 2012), Grand Prix Award One Take Film Festival, from Zagreb (toRoom, 2011), Silver Biznaga to the best film "PremioOda Azul" (to Tu (a)mor, 2009) and Silver Biznaga to the Best Short Film at Spanish Film Festival from Malaga (to Mensajes de voz, 2007).
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