Monday 6th 10pm Katakrak

José Luis Campuzano, better known as Sherpa, is a well-known musician with a long career. Singer, bass player and composer, Campuzano is known for being the co-founder, bass player and vocalist of the legendary rock group, Barón Rojo, a band with which he had several Number One hits, in addition to awards, gold and platinum discs and international fame.

Sherpa studied at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid, although he had already begun in music at an early age as a soloist, and later forming part of groups like MódulosA multi-faceted artist, his compositions have been performed outside the rock sphere by such diverse singers as Luz Casal, Paulina Rubio, Paloma San Basilio, María Vidal, El Fary, Agustín Pantoja… Sherpa combines his work as a vocalist and front man with that of a musical producer – working for Coyote Dax or arranging symphonic music for the hymn of the Community of Asturias. He is also the composer of music for theatre plays and painting and sculpture works.


Tuesday 7th 10pm Katakrak

The hard core of Kokoshca has been made up of Iñaki López and Amaia Tirapu since 2007, although Álex López is now on the drums and Íñigo Andión is on the bass. Since then, the essence of the group has not changed: a schizophrenic sound that travels between the sweet voice of Amaia and the distorted guitars and dark vocals of Iñaki; a mix of pop, rock or punk. In 2008,  they made their debut with the album Unete a Kokoshca (BYP), which was followed by albums such as La Fuerza (ByP, 2010) –whose single of the same name soon became the generational hymn for their many fans –, Y Vienen Cromos en el Pegamento (NLR, 2010), Gernika (Kafea Arrastroak, 2011), La Fuerza 7 (Elefant Records, 2012), Kokoshca /Microcosmos (Discos Walden, 2012), Hay una Luz (Ayo Silver, 2013) and the recent Algo Real (Sonido Muchacho, 2016). Influenced by bands like The Velvet Underground or Suicide, they have worked with artists like El Drogas or Luis de Espanto they have done cover versions of groups like La Polla Records or Los Panchos.


Wednesday 8th 10pm Katakrak

Iñaki Igon Garitaonandia, better known as Gari, has been an active musician since the 1980s. He formed part of the legendary band, Hertzainak before continuing his musical career alone. He has just released his seventh album, called Estutu (Elkar), a mature album in which he recovers the band format alongside the group, Maldanbera. It is a contemporary pop album with melancholic sounds, which comes three years after his last album, Ez da amaiera. Gari has worked with leading and diverse artists, including Bernardo Atxaga, Kirmen Uribe, Iñigo Astiz, Patti Smith or Aitor Oñederra.


Thursday 9th 10pm  Katakrak

Iñigo Garcé, known artistically as Cabezafuego, is a restless and multi-instrumentalist  musician: bass, accordion, percussion, keyboard, guitar, who has been in bands like Mermaid, Basque Country Pharaons, Jugos Lixiviados, Royal Canal, Black Lagun, Separatistas, Half Foot Outside, Atom Rhumba or Bizardunak.

In 2013, he embarked upon his solo career, taking the name of Cabezafuego and he made his solo debut in 2014 with Camina Conmigo (Folc), in which he is accompanied by musicians of the likes of Joseba Irazoki, Germán Carrascosa, Nacho Beltrán, Felix Buff and Chechu Brainloster. He then began his career as a singer-songwriter of psychedelic and surrealist pop-folk with Somos Droga (Color Hits/Autsider Comics, 2017).



Friday 10th 9:30 pm Baluarte

Amorante is the personal project of Iban Urizar, a classically trained musician with a career of two decades under his belt, related the experimental music scene and free improvisation in the Basque Country in projects like Bizarra or Mengele Quartet. He has composed soundtracks for documentaries, short films and spots and he is currently developing his solo project, combining traditional and popular music with experimentation and improvisation, but without losing track of the concept of song as a vehicle of expression.  

In Amorante, he uses instruments like the Spanish guitar, the ukelele, the cornet, the synthesizer or the harmonium. The lyrics deal with the field of costumbrismo a close to the realities painted by painters like Brueghel or Bosco. His first recording consists of five songs with a traditional yet experimental nature in their sound processing.

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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