Die Lage / Condition

Year2012 Duration74 min. DirectorThomas Heise WriterThomas Heise PhotographyPeter Badel, Robert Nickolaus, Maxim Wolfram EditorMike Gürgen SoundRobert Nickolaus, Thomas Heise MusicKonrad “Conny” Bauer Production ma.ja.de. filmproduktion

Narration: Hermann Beyer
Producer: Heino Deckert
World Sales: Deckert Distribution

Spanish premiere

The German word “Lage” (English: condition, position, situation) comes from Middle High German and describes a “position of lying in wait”. Something is going on. This may be “a military, police or security situation: the situation of a military group in relation to their surroundings. A comprehensive view of the threat of government bodies or the reduction of domestic security. A situation which requires the police to act, factors and circumstances for rescue services which describe damaging events and damage prevention.” (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lage)

The film Die Lage tells of the very same, when in September 2011 Pope Benedict XVI travelled to Germany as part of his plan to promote New Evangelisation, paying visits to the city of Erfurt and a site in the Eichsfeld region, both in Thuringia. The situation there is as one might expect. A few weeks later at St. Peter’s Basilica, the Pope announces his decision to declare a “Year of Faith”, to begin on 11 October 2012. “This will be a good opportunity to usher the whole Church into a time of particular reflection and rediscovery of the faith.” (Guide of the apostolic visit of Pope Benedict XVI, ed. Secretariat of the German Bishops Conference)


  • 2012 Berlinale
  • 2012 Visions du Réel Nyon
  • 2012 Crossing Europe FF Linz
  • 2012 Era New Horizons FF Wrocław
  • 2012 Lussas IDF
  • 2012 Split FF
Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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