Sound archive recorded by Jorge Oteiza
(11min, Irun, 12 November, year unknown)
Healing from Death was going to be the title of the collection of poems by Oteiza - God Exists to the North West, published in 1990. Jorge Oteiza left several notes with this title and we have also found this sound archive in this section, which has the air of some notes for this future book, but was finally a text that was never published. It is a brilliantly narrated declaration in which Jorge Oteiza directly addresses the man who flees, telling him about several of his film ideas, and his commitment to the moment and his lack of memory. On giving up sculpture and attempting film, Oteiza talks of the man who flees and who he wants to trap and it is none other than the man who enters film. For this reason, this sound recording heard years later and in the same darkness of the room takes on magical hues, the opportunity of listening to Jorge Oteiza’s speech to the man who has sought refuge in the darkness of the room, a man we all are and will be.