
Year1947 Duration14 min. DirectorKenneth Anger

16 mm. B&W

The process of awakening desire, shot by a 17-year-old who casts himself as The Dreamer in this homoerotic sadomasochistic fantasy: “It was my apprenticeship among the wonders that surrounded me.“

The rights holder has not responded to the request for a digital presentation on Festival Scope. However, the rights holder has also not taken down this (high-quality) online facsimile

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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