Made for the BBC show Women Call the Shots, this documentary by renowned director Sally Potter focuses on women’s integration in the Soviet film industry. Through a series of interviews with women who had shot films on an equal basis with men and film clips that had never been shown in the West before (Glasnost, or the policy of openness, had just been introduced when Potter visited the USSR), the film wonderfully portrays the key role played by Soviet women as it introduces the radical concept of a feminist counter-cinema that brings female desire into question and reimagines it.
Sally Potter. From the early 1970’s, Potter’s work has embraced dance, performance, theatre, music and film. Since her first cult hit with Thriller (1979), Potter has concentrated on film and directed her first feature, The Gold Diggers, starring Julie Christie, in 1983. Potter then made a short, The London Story, and several documentaries before the internationally acclaimed and multi-award winning Orlando. Potter’s new film, Rage, starring Judi Dench, Jude Law, Steve Buscemi, Simon Abkarian and Dianne Wiest is released in 2009.
Selected filmography
Thriller (1979)
The Gold Diggers (1983)
Orlando (1992)
The Tango Lesson (1996)
The Man Who Cried (2000)
Yes (2004)
Rage (2009)