The film is a collaborative portrait of the village arts community of Jatiwangi Art Factory in West Java, Indonesia. The film draws on large cast of local collaborators and performers from school children to factory workers. Charting transformations and rebuilding of the community, the film proposes an open form to experience Jatiwangi's model of art practice and their dedication to discourses on local rural life.
George Clark
George Clark is an artist, curator and writer. Bridging curatorial and artistic practice, George Clark's work explores the history of images and how they are governed by culture, technology and social political conditions. His work has been shown at festivals and museums internationally. His multi-part project Double Ghosts held its premiere at Chin Pao San cemetery in Taiwan as part of his project for the 2018 Taiwan Biennial. His feature film A Distant Echo premiered in the official selection at the 20th Jihlava IDFF as part of the Opus Bonum competition.