Navarra Cuatro Estaciones: Otoño / Udazkena / Autumn

Year1971 Duration27 min. DirectorPío Caro Baroja

Autumn, the third of the seasons, dedicated to the landscapes of that first chill in the air. With text by Julio Caro Baroja, this documentary is a half-hour chronological journey through the rituals, country labours and festivities of that time, in which the forest becomes awash with burnished copper and the air is filled with the scent and sounds of the hunt. The year is 1971, the year that Jim Morrison died, Greenpeace was born, the Americans were entrenched in Vietnam, and Apollo 14 set man down on the moon for the third time. Meanwhile, in our small world, Astibia easily claimed victory in the aizkolari wood-chopping contests held in village squares; in the church of Etxalar the last argizaiolak (candle grave markers) still flickered timidly, and in the farmhouses of Bera, they still made that elixir of heaven called cider. September-October-November, months filled with red-letter dates on the calendar, with the grape harvest in the monastery of La Oliva, the migration of cattle towards Las Bardenas or San Miguel, and their rogations. And from the dance known as the Paloteado de Cortes we move to the pigeon-nets of Etxalar, on a map of Navarre Navarra criss-crossed by ethnography. At one point during the documentary, he stops and says solemnly to us: “This is also home to one of the last women who still know how to spin”. And as we look at her, almost half a century later, we ponder: what became of her? Where is she now?

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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