
Year2017 Duration5 min. DirectorXavi Bou

Muybridge and Marey’s chronophotography taken to an extreme and raised to something more poetic: making the invisible visible.The Catalan photographer, Xavi Bou, offers us a festival of forms of flight of different birds in the skies of his country in this short film. The result is forms and figures that fly over our heads, leaving a mark that is as full as beauty as it is an enigma. The sound remains loyal to the wave shape that arises from its own flight, hence redoubling the gift for the eye of guessing the hidden incognitos in the flight of birds, like the Greeks predicted.

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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