
Year2023 Duration18 min. Projection formatDCP ColourColour LanguageJapanese DirectorShuhei Hatano FestivalsYamagata International Documentary Film Festival 2023

International premiere


April 2020. In a world where it was forbidden to meet up with friends for a long time, the director decided to film every day: the modest spark of daily life with the family, fragments pieced together to form a letter to friends.

In its opening moments, Radiance begins with a whirlwind of shots in barely a couple of seconds, an incessant flow of mainly domestic images: food, toys, insects, flowers, clouds, rain, lights, shade and above all the director’s daughter. The filmmaker’s voice reads like a letter to his friends, explaining what we are going to see: during lockdown, from April 2020, he decided to film every day with no greater purpose than recording the time he spent with his family. For a whole year, he recorded everyday images, limited by the distance of his gaze, from cookery bowls used to knead cookie dough as far as the twilight horizon glimpsed through the fence around his house. 
Watching Radiance is like looking at an annotated scrapbook: his intuitive and suggestive editing constructs a small, fantastic universe both delicately and tenderly, demonstrating that our capability for discovery and astonishment is limitless. The voice-over speaks to his friends and his loved ones (some who have died, others recently born), to himself and, finally, to all of us, while he modestly reflects with his heart on his sleeve about life, death, love and memory.

Miguel Zozaya

Promoted by
Gobierno de Navarra
Organized by
With the aid of
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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