World premiere
This film is a newsreels. A newsreels which present some views, scenes, moments of the class struggle in Madrid: The 15 M. The 15 M is the first major “movement” in the beginning of this XXI century. A deep movement, trans-border and trans-historical, which come from afar, and reactive and work these ideas and concepts that were thought forgotten: demos, logos, revolution ... Plaza Puerta del Sol, 15 M, past and future meet in the present, where they are produced and constantly reinvented. To Madrid, Place Puerta del Sol, the countries of Europe and the world have turned like the flowers to the sun.
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Sylvain George
Sylvain George
Sylvain George is a French poet and filmmaker. After studying philosophy, he produced since six years some poetical, political and experimental films, on the theme of immigration and socials movments. His work, influenced by the thought of the german philosopher Walter Benjamin, by the free jazz, punk, noise music is under the sign of awakening and emancipation, combines formals research and active commitment. His films are screened in militant networks, underground place as well as in national and international films festivals.