Opening call for the submission of film proposals for the Official Section of the 17th Punto de Vista Festival
The deadline for the submission of films for the International Documentary Film Festival of Navarra will be the 20th of September.
Punto de Vista, festival promoted by the Department of Culture of the Government of Navarre and organized by NICDO, opens the call for entries to the Oficial Section in its seventeenth edition. The deadline for the submission of films is the 20th of September of 2022. The application form is available through the official web of the festival.
The Official Section of Punto de Vista welcomes the participation of documentary films of any nationality, made subsequent to August 1st, 2020. Fiction, institutional and advertising films are not eligible, neither are documentaries that are strictly or purely journalistic in nature. There are no limitations with regard to the theme, duration and original language.
Submission has a cost of €5, and can be issued through the festival website, where a film registration form is available.
The films selected will form part of the seventeenth edition of the festival, to be held in Pamplona from March 27th to April 1st, 2023.
Selection Commitee
The selection committee for the Official Section of Punto de Vista 2023 shall comprise the Artistic Director of the festival, Manuel Asín, and experts in the documentary film area, participating in these roles for the second year in a row: Lur Olaizola, Lucía Salas, Pablo García Canga and Miguel Zozaya. The judges will announce the films selected next January. Their task is to select the works according to the ideas and the quality and creativity guidelines on which the festival is based:
As in previous years, the festival aims to create an Official Section that brings together productions from all over the world, competing in their different ways of capturing reality from different points of view, always groundbreaking, independent and socially committed.
Panel of judges and prizes
In the coming months, an International Panel of Judges will be appointed, made up of experts and professionals from the sector.. This panel of judges will announce its decision during the celebration of the closing gala ceremony of the International Documentary Film Festival of Navarra, Punto de Vista 2023.
The Panel of Judges will decide on the official prizes:
In addition, the following special prizes are established:
In this way, a new edition of Punto de Vista is launched, which once again aims to bring together different vertices of non-fiction cinematographic creation. This meeting between filmmakers and their audience will, as in the previous edition, focus on audiovisual products that, without territorial or thematic limits, present a complete and innovative way of understanding reality through documentary film.