Edited by: Antonio Weinrichter
The perfect, essential complement to the season of essay-films, the book The thinking form. Addressing essay-film is the second book in the Punto de Vista Collection, which got under way last year with The cinema of a thousand years. A look at the history and aesthetics of Japanese documentary film (1945-2005).
This new member of the collection is, rather than a straightforward book, a provisional map of an as-of-yet-unmapped terrain, a first attempt (or approach) at defining and setting the limits and characteristics of a new, mutant genre: the essay-film, made with fragments from documentary film, others from avant-garde film, a genre which does not reach conclusions, but tests ideas.
It is also the first theoretical look at the genre to be edited in Spain. In addition to texts written especially for the occasion, it also contains contributions from indispensable, foreign writers, translated into Spanish for the first time.
Without their help, this book would not have possible: Antonio Weinrichter (editor), Luis Miranda, Doménech Font, Christa Blümlinger, Philip Lopate, Josep María Català, Ángel Quintana, José Luis Castro de Paz, Josetxo Cerdán, Miguel Fernández Labayen, Karl Sierek and Hans Richter.
After Punto de Vista, both the book and the season shall visit the CGAI (Galician Centre of the Visual Arts), the Valencia Film Library and, finally, Madrid's Museo Reina Sofía.
Promoted and distributed by the Government of Navarre's Publications Section.