Buffalo Common

PaísEE.UU Año2003 Duración20 min. DirecciónBill Brown GuiónBill Brown



  • Mejor documental, Palm Springs International Festival of Shorts 2003
  • Mejor cortometraje documental, New York Underground Film Festival, 2002

Estreno en España

“In Buffalo Common, Brown trains his camera on North Dakota as a storage facility for nuclear America's warheads (nonchalantly tucked between farmers' fields) and the seeming indifference of the state's citizens to being Armageddon's welcome mat. But this isn't a snooty indictment of the small town any-business-is-good-business mentality. Brown's lazy pans and roaming camera picture these Dakota towns sympathetically, as lonely frontiers, hauntingly beautiful in their woeful emptiness. With a drifting, ethereal style as delicate as a pebble skipped on water, Brown charts North Dakota's shifting status (with changes in nuclear policy) from national self-storage unit to garbage heap as missiles are junked, citizens flee to new lives in Vegas and buildings stand empty, waiting for human company. Brown paints a lonely picture of dirt-road town squares and austere concrete buildings plunked down like monopoly houses on an economically post-apocalyptic landscape” - Felicia Feaster, Creative Loafing.

Gobierno de Navarra
Con la ayuda de
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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