Mountain State

PaísEE.UU Año2003 DirecciónBill Brown GuiónBill Brown FotografíaCarl Lee



  • Best 16mm Film, tour selection, Ann Arbor Film Festival 2004

Estreno en España

“This hand-made tour of West Virginia historical sites could be described as ‘meditative’ or ‘introspective’. But Mountain State’s cinematography politely subordinate to its subject matter. Over a careful 22 minutes, Brown visits state historic markers with Errol Morris' steady eye and Jonathan Richman's sentiment. (…) Mountain State looks back at the lost past, and though Brown's grave markers are more often metaphorical than literal. (…). Between subtitled musing about life and death, Brown finds a history all the more remote in its strangeness: reading, for instance, a marker explaining how a man was warned by a dream that Indians would attack his family, or how a ghost appeared to her parents and revealed, later verified upon exhumation, that she was murdered. ‘It was the only known case in which testimony from a ghost was used to convict a murderer,’ intones Brown.” - Chris Ziegler, OC Weekly

Gobierno de Navarra
Con la ayuda de
Con la financiación del Gobierno de España. Instituto de la Cinematografía y las Artes Audiovisuales Acción Cultural Española Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia Financiado por la Unión Europea. NexGenerationEU

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